SIMGOT EW300: An Affordable Entry-level Tri-brid Set


SIMGOT or XINGGE as it is known in mainland China is still the dominant player in under $200/£140 as they keep gripping their hold in this particular audio market segment. And the SIMGOT Revolution is still going on as they release banger after banger after banger after banger…(ah well, enough with these banger words) sets that some of the audio enthusiasts will gleefully try their every released models.


This is SIMGOT EW300 and it is the successor of the EW200 that was released last year. Unlike its precursor model, this one is quite different in terms of driver implementation as SIMGOT implemented not just one, not even two but three types of driver technology but its retains some of its core design of its shell structure but again, unlike its predecessor, it has a feature that some SIMGOT model has, a detachable tuning nozzle system. I almost forgot to mention that SIMGOT EW300 has three model variants, the Standard model, DSP Edition and HBB Edition. What I got here is the Standard model in which I really prefer personally.


As I mentioned, SIMGOT EW300 utilises a three driver technology and they are dynamic driver, a planar (I doubt that this is a true planar magnetic driver as I surmise that it might be the micro flat panel driver or the square “planar” driver that Kinera develops) and piezo-electric driver in also implemented on their SUPERMIX 4. The dynamic driver that was implemented here is a 10mm one with ceramic-like material on its diaphragm to deliver a robust and deep bass and a smooth and rich midrange, and then the 6mm “planar” driver along with a piezo-electric driver will handle the high frequency for clear and crisp treble playback.


The three drivers then encased in a solid CNC-milled aluminium alloy shell structure that underwent anodising treatment and sandblasting process to achieve that glossy, mirror-like finish. On its faceplate panel, each transducer shell  has a different embossed design, an X on the left part and a heart on the right part. The brass nozzle is a detachable one via screwing mechanism just like most SIMGOT's previous models that we could interchanged with another tuning nozzle which has a different tuning curve that was included inside of the packaging box. Like most SIMGOT models, it still carries through a 0.78mm bi-pin connector as its interlocking mechanism for its detachable cable.


The fitting and comfort that this set could give is quite pleasant as it rests well into my lugholes without any discomfort and it gives me a decent passive noise isolation that blocks some unwanted external noises from the outside. Although I want to address some slight issues that there are some occasional occlusion effects whenever I insert it to my ears.


The stock cable of this one is quite similar from other SIMGOT sets as it has 2-core design with multi-strand silver-plated OFC copper wiring in a clear PVC insulator for oxidation resistance. It is said the composition of its material will ensure a seamless proper signal transmission for better sound quality and resolution. The cable itself is on a leaner texture but it is quite lightweight and flexible to hold.


The product packaging of this one is pretty similar to most of SIMGOT products in the same price range as its packaging in a medium-size bulky rectangular box. Even the contents, it still has a similar quality and quantity of accessories.


Here are the following contents inside of its packaging box:

  • Pair of SIMGOT EW300 IEM transducers shells.
  • Stock cable
  • Rounded square-shaped carrying case.
  • A pair of gold-coloured tuning filter nozzles.
  • Three (3) pairs of balanced bore silicone ear tips of different standards.
  • Paperwork like user's manual and Q.C. stub.
  • Some spare of nozzle rings
  • Some spare of tuning foams


As for power scaling, the SIMGOT EW300 is moderately sensitive so that it can be amplified with devices like smartphones, tablets and laptops. That's why my speculation regarding the “planar” driver on this one is not a true planar magnetic planar due to the latter's power-demanding requirement (unless someone debunks my take by showing some pictorial evidence but for now I'll stick to my opinion). But it seems that this set also scales well to better sources with better processing and power output like DAPs, headphone amp dongles and desktop DAC/Amps as it sounds even more fuller and dynamic.

20241013_131603_HDR.jpg20241013_131520.jpgOn tonality, since this set has a detachable tuning filter nozzle, it offers two distinctive tonal profiles and all of them follows a new refinement on the SIMGOT in-house tuning evolution which is a modified Harman target curve with some varying degree of elevation on a certain part of the frequency spectrum.


(FR graph was provided by [USER=516219]@baskingshark[/USER] , credits to him)

SILVER TUNING FILTER NOZZLE - it has a mild U-shaped sound signature and it is more balanced tuning of the SIMGOT in-house sound profile.

GOLD TUNING FILTER NOZZLE - while it is still a U-shaped sound signature, it has a warmer take of the SIMGOT in-house sound profile as there are some perceivable drawbacks like reducing the upper-mids up to the brilliance part of the high frequency but it has a more dominant low frequency.




The bass response of this one is apparently more focused on the sub-bass presence rather than mid bass as it sounds incisive, precise and cleaner with some clearly deep rumble produced by some sub bass-focused instruments like low tuned bass guitars and double basses, synthesisers and drum machines. The mid bass texture evidently seems to be rather adequate to give some enough note weight on bass-clef instruments and male vocals for satisfying punchiness on its bass quality.


Bass guitars - on every pluck of their strings, it produces a rasping and resonant sounding.

Double basses - whether moving the bow or plucking, they have a sombre and resonant sounding.

Bass kick drums - on every stroke on its drumhead, they have a rumbling and thudding sound.


Bass - they have this deep reverberating vocals but it seems that they have some lacking of dark tone and heft on it.

Bass-baritones - they have some slight dusky vocals but less rich and less full sounding.


This one has a mid bass texture as it delivers a heft, robust and authoritative bass response but there are some caveats as it tends to smudge over the midrange section. While the sub-bass presence still occurs as I felt the reverberations and rumble generated by sub bass-focused instruments in this tuning setting but the dominant mid bass is more noticeable that its smearing gives a more warmth on the overall sound.


Bass guitars - on every pluck of their strings, they produce a broad and dark sound.

Double basses - whether its plucking and a motion on its bowstrings, they sound weighty and earthy.

Bass kick drums - on every kick, they produce a full and thunderous sound.


Bass - their voices have a full and dark sound with some rumbling on it.

Bass-baritones - they sound dense and woolly on this setting to give some fullness and richness.



The midrange presentation of this nozzle setting is seemingly quite a bit recessed but it doesn't sound too lean as it has a texture, enough warmth and clean sound to deliver a balanced note weight on vocals and instruments with a tad of energy . But the elements that will benefit from this type of tuning will be mostly female vocals, strings, woodwinds and some percussives.


Baritones - they have an enough warmth and plush but it has lightness and mild sound into it in which is excellent on specific baritone types like lyric and light ones

Tenors - they have a clear, bright and agile vocal which could suit well on tracking on both leggero and lyric tenors.

Countertenors - they have graceful, tender and expressive vocals from their falsetto voices.

Contraltos - they sound smokey and they have enough richness but wishing for more weight on it.

Mezzo-sopranos - they have these graceful, velvety and sensitive sounds on their vocals, sort of similar to countertenors.

Sopranos - they have a bell-like and silky vocals which is more suitable on soubrette, dramatic, spinto and some lyric types of sopranos, although on coloratura, it needs more energy to execute a light, florid passage with emotive vocals.


Guitars - On every plucking of its note strings, they sound balanced with some crisp on it.

Cellos - they sound eloquent and lustrous on either bowing or plucking.

Violins - every motion of its bowstrings, they produce a sensuous, lively and sweet sound.

Concert flutes - they sound mellow and rich.

Piccolos - they have a delicate and graceful sound on them.

Clarinets - they have a melodic, lustrous and rich sound.

Saxophones - they sound sonorous and mildly reedy.

Trumpets - they sound brilliant and full.

Trombones - they have full and powerful sound, could be identified as “heroic”.

Horns -  sounds velvety and resounding as I describe in the brass section passage.

Snare drums - hard and penetrating sound on every stroke.

Tom-toms - it has enough warmth and resonant sound on every stroke.

Field drums - they sound sonorous, resounding and hard.

Kettledrums - they have these velvety, substantial and deep sounds on every beat they produce.

Pianos - they sound even and well-balanced as they have a sweet, pleasant and clear tone.


Compared to SILVER TUNING NOZZLE Mode, the midrange presentation of this one is warmer, richer and weighty to the point it sounds too rich and too lush that it sounds overly smoothen and veiled with noticeable lacking of energy in my liking. Due to its richness, it adds more note body on male vocals, female contraltos, brasses and some percussives.


Baritones - they have warm, rich and lush sound to give a full, raspy and steely voice on noble baritone, dramatic baritone, verdi baritone and Kavalierbariton.

Tenors - they sound richer, warmer and with darker timbre which are suitable for tracking on some tenor types of vocals like Spinto, dramatic and heldentenors.

Countertenors - it sounds too warm and too velvety that it loses its emotiveness and tenderness of its vocals.

Contraltos - It sounds plush, rich and heavy from their chesty vocals.

Mezzo-sopranos - too velvety that it lessens its expressive and fiery sound.

Sopranos - since the tuning of this set is on a warmer and veiled, some dramatic sopranos will suit better on this as it has a darker timbre with rounder and deeper voice with some steeliness.


Guitars - too warm and buttery sounding that it loses some of its lingering tones on every plucking and strumming.

Cellos - they sound too warm, thick and heft on either bowing its strings or plucking.

Violins - full, austere and dark, that's how I describe its sound characteristics.

Concert flutes - too mellow, rich and sighing sounding.

Piccolos - while it has that graceful sound, it lacks brightness, brilliance and intensity due to warm and veiled tuning.

Clarinets - too rich, too mellow and less expressive sounding.

Saxophones - overly rounded, earthy and melancholic sounding.

Trumpets - they sound very warm, full-powered with a dark tone.

Trombones - overpowering, full and well-rounded sounding.

Horns - Warm, full yet muffled sounding.

Snare drums - hard, boomy and clattering sounding on every stroke.

Tom-toms - too warm, rich and with less resonance sound.

Field drums - they sound booming with a darker tone.

Kettledrums - boomy, too rounded and mellow sounding.

Pianos - they surely have a mellow sound as they have rich, dark and rounded tones, but sometimes I think it's a bit dull in my liking.



While it has some discernible accentuated upper-mids and presence section, it still maintains a shimmer and smoothness on its treble response in an appropriate way that it will not sound harsh nor unwanted glaring sound. There might be some slight metallic sound on some vocals and instruments but at least the sibilance was kept under control.

For a multi-driver configuration set, it has a good quantity of airy extension on its brilliance section with ample sparkle that affects some treble-clef instruments.

Cymbals - they sound resonant and brilliant at the same time.

Hi-hats - a shortened buzzing tone to give that distinctive chick-y sound.

Celestas - silvery and golden sound from them.

Glockenspiels - shimmering and brilliant sound on both keyboard and mallet-type ones.


Compared to the SILVER TUNING NOZZLE setting, this one has a more smoother and even inoffensive treble response but at expect of loss of clarity and a darker tuning which will be appealing to treble-sensitive folk out there. There are some noticeable dampening on the upper-mids up to presence treble section as it blunted the definition of vocals and less delineation on note attack of instruments.

The treble air extension of this one seems to be lessened and an obvious less intensity of its sparkle that affects the quality of harmonics and timbre on treble-clef instruments.

Cymbals - too smooth and less brilliant sounding.

Hi-hats - a shortened warmer tone that sounds dull and unnatural.

Celestas - less shimmering sounding.

Glockenspiels - lacking brilliant and shimmery sound on both keyboard and mallet-type ones.



In this setting, it projects an moderately spacious sound field with above-average width on its lateral span, good height ceiling and an immersive depth in a concave-like stereo imaging presentation. On its soundscape, it has multi-layered sections of tonal dynamics and frequencies of instruments and vocals that I was able to pan out to locate their perceived placement. That said, this set is capable of playback some of the complex multi-instrumental tracks effortlessly.

Coherency of its dynamic driver is excellent, which I already expected from SIMGOT's choices of choosing their drivers on their products which are of good quality. Resolution capability-wise, this one is pretty resolving on both macro-dynamics and micro-dynamics as it has sufficient solid dynamics with good micro-detail retrieval as it extracts some details and nuances from an audio track.


Compared to the SILVER TUNING NOZZLE, this one seems to decrease the sound field size as it narrows a bit the width of its span and a slight reduction on height while retaining that concave-like stereo imaging presentation. Apparently, it somewhat lessened the sections of layers and curtailed its spacing of its separation aspect that diminishes its technical performance.

It also happens that it lessened the quality of its resolution that it also blunted the micro-detail retrieval capability to extract more micro-detail information from an audio track.



  • The predecessor model of this set shares similar shell design and materials but the difference between them is that this one has a single driver set-up which is a dynamic driver with a new type of composite diaphragm on it.
  • It doesn't have a detachable tuning nozzle feature.
  • It still has similar inclusions like most SIMGOT products and of course, it also has a limited quantity of silicone ear tips.
  • Like all previous SIMGOT's tonal target, it has a U-shaped sound profile as it has more sub bass presence on its bass response, a noticeable more recessed and leaner midrange presentation, and a brighter treble response with ample air and sparkle. (It was compared to a SILVER TUNING NOZZLE setting of EW300)
  • On technical aspects, it has a bit narrower staging, a typical two-dimensional stereo presentation but at least it presents a well-layered soundscape with good separation and a tad more resolving. (It was compared to a SILVER TUNING NOZZLE setting of EW300)


  • Like the EW300, it has a metal alloy shell structure but it has an unusual outline of its design profile which looks similar to a trimmed fingernail and also it only has a single dynamic driver on its internal.
  • It has detachable tuning nozzle features and it even offers not just one, not two but three tuning filter nozzles that makes this set even more versatile in offering different tuning profiles.
  • On its product packaging, it doesn't have a solid carrying case but it offers two choices of ear tips to choose from and even includes a USB-C DSP headphone amp dongle, although its stock cable is rather average.
  • On the tonality side, since this set offers three tuning profiles, all of them align with U-shaped sound signatures from a balanced one up to the brighter variant.
  • On its red ring tuning nozzle, it has a sub bass presence on its bass response, a bit recessed but it has a sufficient warmth to have a balanced sound on its midrange presentation and a tad attenuation on some parts on the treble response but there some cases that it produces some slight sibilance especially on sibilant-laden tracks.
  • As for its technical performance, while it has a similar technical prowess with the EW300 but this one is quite more resolving on micro-dynamics as it has a sharper definition on retrieving some micro-details and other nuances.


  • It also has a metal alloy shell like the EW300 but the difference between them is that it has matte-like texture on its surface that it has some fingerprint mark-resistant and less susceptible to light scratches from everyday use and also, it only has single driver configuration.
  • It has detachable tuning nozzle features just like the EW300.
  • On its inclusions, it offers more choices of ear tip types that we used upon.
  • Due to its detachable tuning nozzle features, it offers two types of tuning profiles, a warmer U-shaped sound and brighter U-shaped sound.
  • On its SILVER TUNING FILTER mode, the DELCI AE has a more punchy and potent bass response, a slightly recessed but more warmer and rich midrange presence, and a smooth and well-balanced treble response. (It was compared to a SILVER TUNING NOZZLE setting of EW300)
  • On its technical performance, it has above-average sound field sizes, an atmospheric-like stereo imaging presentation and similar resolution capabilities.

Once again, SIMGOT proves their point on why they should continue to dominate the entry-level IEM segment as the EW300 is probably one of their defining sets that they currently offer so far aside from the EA500 regular that starts the SIMGOT Revolution. While it doesn't have that resolution quality that some sets have, its tri-brid configuration which is quite uncommon on its price range bracket is well-implemented along with tonal quality and technical performance especially the cohesion performance of its triple driver configuration.

The tuning filter nozzles is one of the features that makes the EW300 even more appealing as we could choose two distinctive tonal profiles that closely aligns with our tonal preferences. The SIMGOT EW300 will be one of the sets that I could truly recommend to some audio enthusiasts who want to upgrade from their usual budget entry-level set in terms of build quality, noticeable tonal improvement and better technical capabilities while retaining some fun and engaging factor of its overall sound quality.

SIMGOT EW300 is now available at LINSOUL, For those who are interested to purchase this set, there's a non-affiliate link that I have provided below.



If you are interested in my previous SIMGOT product reviews, check out the following provided links below.















PLUG TYPE: 3.5mm



● Like all SIMGOT models with metal alloy shells, the build quality is quite solid.

● The mirror-finished surface looks pleasing to behold.

● It has an ergonomic design for better fitting and comfort.

● Its tri-brid driver set-up delivers a very cohesive performance.

● For a tri-brid driver set-up IEM, this one is relatively easy to amplify by a device even with normal gain power output like smartphones, tablets and laptops.

● Detachable tuning filters nozzles and each pair offers two distinctive sound profiles.

● The SILVER TUNING NOZZLE offers a well-balanced slightly coloured tonality.

● The GOLD TUNING NOZZLE offers a warmer, richer and inoffensive sound profile.

● Deep, rumbly and incisive bass response. (SILVER TUNING NOZZLE setting)

● Rich, lush and dark tone on some male vocal types (GOLD TUNING NOZZLE setting).

● The midrange presentation is balanced, energetic with some slight warmth for some vocals and instruments to sound at least natural and with almost accurate tonal colour. (SILVER TUNING NOZZLE setting)

● Smooth and gentle treble response which is a good recommendation for treble-sensitive folk. (GOLD TUNING NOZZLE setting).

● For an entry-level set with hybrid driver configuration, it has a very competent technical performance.


● Glossy mirror-finished surface equals fingerprint magnet and susceptible to light scratches and nicks.

● That embossed print design on its faceplate panel is rather out of place as I find it a bit tacky in my taste. (Subjective)

● Might be too warm and dark sounding on a GOLD TUNING NOZZLE setting.

● Some instances of shrill and metallic sound in several vocal types and instruments on the SILVER TUNING NOZZLE setting.

● Wishing for more choices on types of ear tips.

● Some sporadic occlusion effects on every insertion ergo driver flex.

TRACKS TESTED: ( * = 16-bit FLAC, ** = 24-bit FLAC, *'* = MQA, '*' = DSD, *'= .WAV)

Alison Krauss -When You Say Nothing At All *

Jade Wiedlin - Blue Kiss**

Led Zeppelin - When The Levee Breaks **

Mountain - Mississippi Queen *

Queen - Killer Queen **

Guns N' Roses - Patience *'*

Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven '*'

Sergio Mendes- Never Gonna Let You Go '*'

Pearl Jam - Daughter **

Roselia - Hidamari Rhodonite *

Assassin - Fight (To Stop The Tyranny)*

Celtic Frost- Visual Aggression *

New Order - Blue Monday *

The Corrs- What Can I do (unplugged version) *

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Voodoo Child *

The Madness- Buggy Trousers *

Metallica - Motorbreath **

Mariah Carey- Always Be My Baby *

Destiny's Child - Say My Name *

Malice Mizer- Au Revoir *

Mozart - Lacrimosa *

New York Philharmonic Orchestra - Dvorak- Symphony 9 " From the New World." *

Eva Cassidy - Fields of Gold (Sting cover)*

Michael Jackson - Give In To Me *

Exciter - Violence and Force *

Diana Krall - Stop This World **

Debbie Gibson - Foolish Beat *'*

The Sisters of Mercy – Lucretia My Reflection**

Suzanne Vega – Luka **

Lauren Christy – Steep *

Ottoman Mehter - Hucum Marsi *

Diana Damrau - Mozart: Die Zauberflöte*

Type O Negative - Black No.1 *

Felix Ayo - Vivaldi: Presto **

Three Tenors - Nessum Dorma *

Mercyful Fate - Witches' Dance *


I am not affiliated to SIMGOT  nor receive monetary incentives and financial gains as they provide me a review unit for an exchange of factual and sincere feedback from yours truly.

Once again, I would like to send my gratitude to MS. KAITLYN  WU of LINSOUL for providing this review unit. I truly appreciate her generosity and trust towards me and other reviewers.



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