CCA TRIO: Three Makes it Even Better


The audio company, CCA (Clear Concept Audio) for me is somewhat of a refined version of its older sister, KZ (Knowledge Zenith) on how it tuned their products. The CCA Duo is still one of my favourite dual dynamic sets out there as I really enjoy using it occasionally in my casual listening session and it became part of my rotational set in a month.


And now what we have here is its successor model, The CCA TRIO. The CCA TRIO is definitely an upgrade over the DUO in terms of features as it has an additional driver and tuning switches. It uses a slightly larger dynamic driver compared to the DUO as it has an 8mm compared to previous 7mm and it was slightly modified to have a more cohesive presentation of all parts of the frequency range while maintaining a less distorted and interference-free sound quality.


Its three dynamic drivers were assigned in some certain part of a frequency range as the two dynamic drivers were assigned to sub bass region and mid bass sections while the remaining dynamic driver will handle the rest of the remaining parts the frequency range, the midrange and the treble region in which I find the set-up even more interesting. Then trio drivers were encapsulated in a composite shell chassis with a modified UIEM-type form factor consisting of metal alloy faceplate and acrylic resin cavity base. At the top part of both shell chassis, there are four toggle switches that you can adjust its tuning in which I believe has something to do with impedance swings to change its sound profile. Like all CCA sets, it still retains the QDC-type connector as its interlocking mechanism with its stock cable.



The fitting on this set seems to be pretty comfortable to wear as it sits well into my lug holes without any issues atlk. It gives me sufficient sound isolation as it really seals well to block some noises coming from the outside surroundings.


The stock cable of CCA TRIO is still the same similar build oxygen-free copper wiring in a parallel-type cable with an L-shaped 3.5mm termination plug.


Like all entry-level product offerings from CCA and to some extent, KZ, the CCA TRIO is pretty basic in product packaging with bare-bones included accessories.


Here are the following contents that are included inside the box:

  • Pair of CCA TRIO IEM transducers
  • Stock cable
  • 1 pair of memory foam ear tips
  • 3 pairs of KZ Starline ear tips in different standard sizes.
  • Tuning tool
  • User's guide


As for power scaling and requirement, this set can be driven with sources with decent power output but pairing it with devices with adjustable gain mode like DAPs and desktop DAC amplifiers will fully utilise its full potential with its fullest audio performance. To make this set even more interesting, this is the first CCA  or even KZ set that ever activates the high impedance mode of my LG phones.


Regarding this set's tonality, due to the implementation of tuning toggle switches, the CCA TRIO offers a variety of tuning profiles from bass boosted U-shaped sound up to the bright U-shaped sound signature that makes them more versatile.


These are the toggle tuning set-up along with its brief description:

(*Legend: ■ = up, □ =down)

□□□□ =  Aligns more to a standard U-shaped sound profile, it highlights more on lows and high frequencies.

■■■■ = The most “balanced” U-shaped sound profile, it gives more emphasis on low with a slight attenuation on the high frequency.

■□□□ - The sub bass-focused U-shaped tuning with some reduction on some parts of high frequency.

■■□□ - The bass-boosted tuning setting among its tonal profiles of this one.

□□■□ - Presents a tad brighter and energetic tonal profile.

□□■■ - it's the brightest tuning among its tonal profiles. While it is still considered as a U-shaped sounding , some parts of the midrange and high frequencies are definitely accentuated on this one.


The bass responses on this set varies depending on the tuning toggle set-up, from tight and incisive up to a tad boomy and vigorous one. There's a sufficient sub-bass presence in all tuning but the □■■■ and □□■■ will highlight it more as it will be reverberating and rumbly from sub bass-focused instruments like low tuned bass guitars, octobasses, drum machines and synthesisers.

□□□□ = it has a balanced texture on its mid bass as it gives an ample note weight on some instruments and male vocals.

Instruments and vocals with its brief sound characteristics:

Bass guitars - mellow and resonant sounding

Bass kick drums - thudding and gloomy sound.

Bass and bass-baritone vocals - sufficiently dense with enough deep resonant in their vocals.

■■■■ = Still a balanced bass but a tad fuller compared to the □□□□ setting.

Instruments and vocals with its brief sound characteristics:

Bass guitars - more rasping and broader sounding compared to the □□□□ setting.

Bass kick drums - pounding and rumbling sound.

Bass and bass-baritone vocals - more denser and darker tone with even more deep rumbling sound.

■□□□ = More sub-bass focused while retaining a sufficient mid bass texturing from a ■■■■ setting.

Instruments and vocals with its brief sound characteristics:

Bass guitars - it has a rasping and menacing sound compared to □□□□ setting.

Bass kick drums - eerie and resonant sounding.

Bass and bass-baritone vocals - it retains the sound characteristics of ■■■■ that the vibrato is apparently clearer to heard.

■■□□ = Definitely the bass-boosted one as it shows a more prominent bass section across its frequency range but it muddles up some frequency parts particularly on midrange and lessens the upper midrange and presence part of treble region.

Instruments and vocals with its brief sound characteristics:

Bass guitars - more earthy and sombre sounding as it has more weight on it.

Bass kick drums - it has a fuller and pounding sound among the tuning settings.

Bass and bass-baritone vocals - it has more weight , with a darker tone with rich texture.

□□■□ = A bit similar bass presentation as it share similar sound characteristics with □□□□ and ■■■■ settings.

Instruments and vocals with its brief sound characteristics:

Bass guitars - it has a weighty and retains some of its raspiness on its sound character.

Bass kick drums - menacing and resonant sounding.

Bass and bass-baritone vocals - it has some similarity with □□□□'s vocal characteristic.

□□■■ = It presents a tighter and less textured mid bass similar □□■□.

Instruments and vocals with its brief sound characteristics

Bass guitars - resonant yet aspirating sounding.

Bass kick drums - resonant yet it has some hollowness on its sound.

Bass and bass-baritone vocals - it has a lightest among the bass and bass-baritone vocals as it has a tad hollow texture and less darker tone with an inadequate deep resonance on it.


The midrange presentation on this one again depends on tuning settings but all of them are noticeably recessed in the overall midrange presentation. At least it retains some clean and well-bodied sound on vocals and instruments.

□□□□ - Maintains a well-balanced texture with ample warmth for vocals and instruments.

Vocal types:

Baritones - sweet and mild sounding.

Tenors - brassy, full and with a tinge of metallic sound on their vocals.

Countertenor - tender, mild and emotive sounding from their falsettos.

Contraltos - It has a sufficient lush and richness on their distinctive chesty vocals.

Mezzo-sopranos - Smooth, expressive and tender sounding.

Sopranos - Silvery vocal qualities as it has sufficient brightness on them, lyric and soubrette sopranos will sound better on this one.


Guitars - It has a sufficient bright and lively sound.

Violins - vibrant and metallic sounding.

Cellos - lively and vibrant sounding.

Trumpets - it has a metallic and brilliant sound.

Trombones - sounds quite solid yet penetrating.

Horns - it has a resounding and intense sound characteristics.

Concert flutes - clear and a tad shrill sound.

Piccolos - clear and a bit intense sounding.

Clarinets - reedy and expressive sounding.

Saxophones - sounds lively and reedy.

Snare drums - punchy and resonant sounding.

Toms-toms - sufficiently warm yet resonant sounding.

Field drums - it has a menacing sound.

Kettledrums - resonant and rumbling sound.

Pianos - balanced and evened tone.

■■■■ - it still presents a well-balanced and less energetic midrange compared to □□□□ setting.

Vocal types:

Baritones - It has a sufficient more power as strength compared to □□□□ as it has give more steely voice on Kavalier baritones and  more plush and richer vocals in dramatic, Verdi and Noble baritones.

Tenors - Still have a brassy and fullness to their vocals but less metallic sounding.

Countertenor - a bit smoother version of the □□□□.

Contraltos - it sounds more rich and musky compared to the □□□□ setting.

Mezzo-sopranos - smoother, velvety and less intense vocal.

Sopranos - it has that creamy and silky sound that makes them sound comforting, that type of tuning will be more suitable to spinto and dramatic sopranos.


Guitars - balanced and a tad buttery on some acoustic guitar tracks.

Violins - full and sweet sounding

Cellos - sonorous and calm sounding

Trumpets - full and sonorous sounding.

Trombones - brassy and full sounding.

Horns - Full and sonorous sounding.

Concert flutes - sighing to mellow sound,it has some softer tones.

Piccolos - graceful and mellow sounding.

Clarinets - it sounds round and melodic.

Saxophones - plaintive and sonorous sounding.

Snare drums - hard, penetrating and metallic sounding.

Toms-toms - it has an ample warmth with resonance.

Field drums - sombre sounding.

Kettledrums - deep and substantial sounding.

Pianos - balanced and evened tone.

■□□□ - it adds a bit more texture on the lower midrange section.

Vocal types:

Baritones - Similar to □□□□ as it is also velvety, sweet and mild sounding on their vocals albeit a bit more assertive.

Tenors - Shares the sound characteristics with □□□□ as it also sounds brassy and full too with less metallic sound.

Countertenor - Similar sound characteristics with  □□□□ setting.

Contraltos - it has more smokey and even richer vocals with good depth compared to □□□□ setting.

Mezzo-sopranos - Smooth and tender sounding.

Sopranos - It also has a silvery characteristic on its vocals with some hint of metallic tone.


Guitars - sounds balanced with some good overtones.

Violins - vibrant and clear sounding.

Cellos -  lyrical and lively sounding.

Trumpets - it sounds quite full and magnificent.

Trombones - Similar with □□□□'s setting as it is also solid and penetrating.

Horns - mellow and velvety sounding.

Concert flutes - light yet rich sound.

Piccolos - clear yet it has a noticeable shrill on its sound.

Clarinets - expressive and reedy sounding.

Saxophones - lively and reedy sounding.

Snare drums - Hard and sharp sounding.

Toms-toms -  it has an adequate warm and resonant sound.

Field drums - menacing sound.

Kettledrums - resonant and it has more rumbling sound.

Pianos - balanced and evened tone.

■■□□ - Due bass bleed across the midrange it gives a warmer textured sound of all tuning settings that this set have,but there are instances of a tad boxy and hollow sound on some vocals and instruments.

Vocal types:

Baritones - It has a fuller and richer sound as it sounds too warm and smooth.

Tenors - Brassy with darker, stronger and deeper tone, excellent on dramatic and heldentenors.

Countertenor - a bit smoother with more warmer variant tuning of the □□□□ setting.

Contraltos - apparently, it has more profuse and huskier vocals compared on both ■■■■ and □□□□.

Mezzo-sopranos - More smoother and velvety compared to ■■■■,□□□□ and ■□□□ settings. It almost sounds a bit closer to contraltos.

Sopranos - Comparable to ■■■■'s but it is richer and quite a more sensitive voice due to its warmer tuning.


Guitars - meaty and warm sounding.

Violins - full solemn and lustrous

Cellos - round, solemn and warm sounding

Trumpets - warm, full and has a darker timbre.

Trombones - Smooth and fuller with a darker tone.

Horns - full and mellow, quite a muffled sounding.

Concert flutes - rich and mellow sounding.

Piccolos - it has a graceful and whistling sound.

Clarinets - warm and lustrous sounding.

Saxophones - earthy, round and warm sounding.

Snare drums - hard and rustling sound.

Toms-toms - rich and a tad boomy sounding.

Field drums - boomy and sombre sound.

Kettledrums - Booming and velvety sounding.

Pianos - warm and rich tone.

□□■□ - it gives a more energetic midrange presentation especially on female vocals, strings and woodwind instruments.

Vocal types:

Baritones - Velvety, sweet and mild sounding.

Tenors - Their voices have more dazzling and ringing sound on them, good for lyric and leggero tenor types as it has a light and agility on their vocals.

Countertenor - Tender, smooth and velvety vocals with a tad brighter tone.

Contraltos - A bit similar to □□□□'s sound quality.

Mezzo-sopranos - it has a more vivid and intense vocal quality.

Sopranos - It has a brilliant and gleaming vocal quality compared to ■■■■, □□□□, ■□□□ and □□■□ settings.


Guitars - dry sounding and more focus on presence.

Violins - brilliant and a bit shrill sounding.

Cellos - it has a brilliant and stately sound.

Trumpets - sounds vivid and shrilly.

Trombones - dramatic and eruptive sounding.

Horns - mellow yet metallic sounding.

Concert flutes - brilliant and a tad shrill sounding.

Piccolos - brilliant with some piercing sound on them.

Clarinets - expressive and has a mild shrill on their sound

Saxophones - forceful and substantial sounding.

Snare drums - sharp and clattering sound.

Toms-toms - it has a less warmth and resonant sounding.

Field drums - hard sounding.

Kettledrums - resonant , dry and a tad hollow sounding.

Pianos - brighter tone.

□□■■ = This tuning gives a brighter and even more energetic midrange presentation that will be more beneficial on woodwinds and female vocals.

Vocal types:

Baritones - velvety, sweet and mild sounding albeit less textured and less smooth.

Tenors - Bright, dazzling and clearer sounding, it might sound better with leggero-type tenors but a bit too expressive.

Countertenor - while it has tender and more expressive but it has even more brighter tone compared to □□■□ setting.

Contraltos - quite a bit unnatural as its sounds leaner and less richer on its vocals.

Mezzo-sopranos - Fiery and “coppery” sounding.

Sopranos - Shimmering and more energetic, almost perfect on lyric and coloratura types of sopranos.


Guitars - crisp and bright sounding.

Violins - bright and zestful but might sound a bit thin to some listeners.

Cellos - very open sounding and bright with some instances of having an incisive sound.

Trumpets - penetrating, vibrant and bright sounding.

Trombones - it is penetrating, intense and overpowering.

Horns - brilliant and powerful sounding.

Concert flutes - bright and penetrating sound.

Piccolos - bright with occasional screeching sound.

Clarinets - brighter and colder sounding.

Saxophones - lively and reedy sounding.

Snare drums - bright and dry sounding

Toms-toms - sustaining, tight and crackling sounding.

Field drums - menacing sound.

Kettledrums - dry and dead sounding.

Pianos - brighter tone.


Again, depending on the tuning settings, it varies on the elevation and attenuation on the treble response.

□□□□ - it has a sufficient brightness, it has a sufficient accentuate upper-mids up to the presence treble region just enough to give clarity and definition on vocals and attack of percussives and rhythm instruments. Although in some cases, there's some hint of slight sibilance especially on sibilant-laden tracks.

It has well-defined sparkle and a moderate airy extension on its brilliance treble section.

Instruments and its sound characteristics:

Cymbals - glistening and metallic.

Hi-hats - short sizzling sound.

Glockenspiels - glistening and strident.

Celestas - bright and silvery.

■■■■ - While it still has a bright treble response, I noticed just a slight reduction on the upper-mids and the presence part of the treble region compared to ■■■■ setting. It somehow lessens the sibilance and intense boosting that might sound a bit piercing.

It somewhat lessens the intensity of sparkle while retaining a modest airy extension.

Instruments and its sound characteristics:

Cymbals - soughing and a tad undulating.

Hi-hats - short hissing sound.

Glockenspiels - bell-like sounding.

Celestas - glassy sound.

■□□□ - almost similar to □□□□ setting on its treble response.

Instruments and its sound characteristics:

Cymbals - glistening and metallic.

Hi-hats - short sizzling sound.

Glockenspiels - glistening and strident.

Celestas - silvery and glistening sound.

■■□□ - it has noticeable accentuation of the peaks and boosting upper mids and presence treble region on ■□□□, □□■□ and □■■ settings. It will be more tuning-friendly to some treble-sensitive folk.

Instruments and its sound characteristics:

Cymbals - lustrous and soughing.

Hi-hats -  shortened dark and dull sound.

Glockenspiels - lustrous and undulating sound.

Celestas - meliow and soft sounding.

It somehow impacts the sparkling intensity to sound a bit veiled.

□□■□ - it appears that it adds some emphasis on the upper mids and presence part treble region as it gives more definition and clarity on vocals and instruments.

Instruments and its sound characteristics:

Cymbals - metallic and glistening.

Hi-hats - short dry and shrill sound.

Glockenspiels - shimmering and jingling sound.

Celestas - it has even more shimmering sound compared to □□□□ and ■□□□ settings.

□□■■ - due to the elevation of the upper-mids up to the brilliance treble region. It gives a brighter and lean treble response that treble heads will probably like it but an anathema to treble-sensitive folk.

It projects a stronger sparkle present with good amount of harmonics with moderate airy extension.

Instruments and its sound characteristics:

Cymbals - bright and a tad harsh.

Hi-hats - short glistening sound.

Glockenspiels - thin and bright sounding.

Celestas - bright and silvery sounding.


While this set might not have the best in regards technical capabilities but it still performs fine. It has an average to above-average sound/speaker stage size as it has a median width span but it has a fairly high ceiling on its height reach and good depth as I consider it as moderately spacious within my head room.

On its stereo imaging, it somehow projects a typical two-dimensional stereo presentation with just a decent layered frequencies and dynamic tones from each placement of instruments and vocals in soundscape albeit in two-layered arrangements. Separation capability seems to be fine but not the best out there in under $100/£80.

In terms on both coherence and cohesive performance of its triple drivers, it able to perform a fast transient response without any issues like out of phase or a detached part of its frequency range. This set is quite pretty resolving too especially on micro-dynamics for a multi-dynamic driver set, while it has firm note density on its macro-dynamics, it has a sharp definition on its micro-detail retrieval to extract some nuances and details in an audio track.



  • This set is the predecessor model of the TRIO as it also shares the same language design and it also has more than one driver inside. But the big difference is that this set has a more compact size, possesses only two dynamic drivers inside and it doesn't have tuning switches. The packaging box and inclusion of accessories is still the same as all entry-level CCA/KZ sets that share the same contents and packaging box.
  • The CCA has a mild u-shaped sound profile (memory foam ear tips) as it has an ample punchy and precise bass response, a neutral, transparent and energetic midrange presentation, and then bright and shimmering treble response. It has a similar technical performance with the TRIO but its layering is somehow a bit better on this one for some reason especially on some more complex multi-instrumental tracks and movie scores.


  • While it has similar build with the TRIO as its shell chassis is also composite of composite materials and has a tuning toggle switch, but there is a difference between them as this set has hybrid driver setup consisting of dynamic driver and balanced armature driver yet the dynamic driver of this set is a bit larger. Regarding its accessories, the stock cable of the NAMI is superior to TRIO's as aside from being thick and sturdy, it also has a modular option.
  • The NAMI has three types of sound profiles that veering towards a V-shaped tuning, subwoofer mode which more focus on a fuller bass response, HFE mode which has more elevated presence and brilliance part of the treble region and EHF which has the brightest treble response due to more boost on the upper mids up to brilliance part of the treble region. As for technical capabilities, it is surprisingly very similar with the TRIO from soundstage size up to resolution capabilities.


  • Aside from TRIO, this is the only other triple dynamic driver set that I have reviewed so far and compared to the TRIO, they are quite different. The DZ4 uses some smaller dynamic drivers and it was implemented along with a passive radiator module then encased in a 3D-printed resin shell. While this set is quite more pricey as it has better quality accessories like more eartips, stock cable and storage  case.
  • The DZ4 has a mild U-shaped, and also has a balanced-neutral sound profile that makes it more appealing to the more experienced audio enthusiasts. It has a very balanced bass response, a well-balanced with ample textured midrange presentation with gives a more natural sound on vocals and instruments, and then smooth and inoffensive treble response. Technical capability-wise, while DZ4 and TRIO have similar sound field sizes, the former has a better stereo imaging for giving a more atmospheric presentation, a better layering and separation. The TRIO has a sharper micro-detail definition while the DZ4 has a more balanced definition.

CCA again proves its reputation in the audio community that they are very capable of delivering a product that will be more appealing on both casual listeners and experienced audio enthusiasts who just want a fun and engaging set for their listening pleasure. With a tuning switch for tonal versatility, the cohesive performance of its triple dynamic drivers, a solid build quality of its shell and a very competitive price, while it doesn't have the best stock accessories, The CCA TRIO is enough that I will recommend this one to audio enthusiasts who are in a tight budget and who just want an all-rounder  set.

CCA TRIO is now available at KZ Official Store, check out the provided unaffiliated link below.


For more CCA product reviews, here are my previous review articles.




◆ CCA CA10

◆ CCA HM20










PLUG TYPE: 3.5mm



● Sturdy-built composite shell chassis.

● Working tuning switches.

● Inclusion of memory foam ear tips.

● It offers 6 distinctive tonal profiles from a warm U-shaped sound to treble-boosted bright U-shaped sound.

● A fun and musical type of tuning that will be a good all-rounder set.

● Punchy, impactful and authoritative bass response on some settings.

● Clean, transparent and delineated midrange presentation in some settings.

● Energetic, crisp and brimming midrange quality in some settings.

● Smooth and inoffensive treble response in attenuated upper mids and high frequencies tuning settings.

● Bright and shimmering treble response in some setting with treble-boosted tuning.

● Competent enough technical performance for a multi-dynamic driver set-up.

● One of the few CCA set that will activate the high impedance mode of my LG devices.


● Bare-bones quantity of inclusions.

● Again, the QDC-type 2-pin of connector ( I already sound like a broken phonograph as this one is constantly appearing on the con section in almost all my reviews of CCA and KZ sets)

● Instances of mid bass smearing across the midrange frequency section that its bass response will sound untidy.

● Occurrences of piercing, shrill and mild sibilance on a certain tuning setting.

● Stereo imaging and layering could be better.

Some Tracks Tested: ( * = 16-bit FLAC, ** = 24-bit FLAC, *'* = MQA, '*' = DSD, *'= .WAV)

Alison Krauss -When You Say Nothing At All *

Jade Wiedlin - Blue Kiss**

Led Zeppelin - When The Levee Breaks **

Mountain - Mississippi Queen *

Queen - Killer Queen **

Guns N' Roses - Patience *'*

Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven '*'

Sergio Mendes- Never Gonna Let You Go '*'

Pearl Jam - Daughter **

Roselia - Hidamari Rhodonite *

Assassin - Fight (To Stop The Tyranny)*

Celtic Frost- Visual Aggression *

New Order - Blue Monday *

The Corrs- What Can I do (unplugged version) *

Jimi Hendrix Experience - Voodoo Child *

The Madness- Buggy Trousers *

Metallica - Motorbreath **

Mariah Carey- Always Be My Baby *

Destiny's Child - Say My Name *

Malice Mizer- Au Revoir *

Mozart - Lacrimosa *

New York Philharmonic Orchestra - Dvorak- Symphony 9 " From the New World." *

Eva Cassidy - Fields of Gold (Sting cover)*

Michael Jackson - Give In To Me *

Exciter - Violence and Force *

Diana Krall - Stop This World **

Debbie Gibson - Foolish Beat *'*

The Sisters of Mercy – Lucretia My Reflection**

Suzanne Vega – Luka **

Lauren Christy – Steep *

Ottoman Mehter - Hucum Marsi *

Diana Damrau - Mozart: Die Zauberflöte*

Type O Negative - Black No.1 *

Felix Ayo - Vivaldi: Presto **

Three Tenors - Nessum Dorma *

Mercyful Fate - Witches' Dance *


I am not affiliated to CCA nor receive monetary incentives and financial gains as they provide me a review unit for an exchange of factual and sincere feedback from yours truly.

Once again, I would like to send my gratitude to TYVAN LAM of KZ/CCA for providing this review unit. I truly appreciate his generosity and trust towards me and other reviewers.



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