TRN IM2: Bassist's Favour

What's up mates, I will have a recap review on TRN IM2.I bought this IEM last year as I collected TRN IEMs for my audio pleasure.As expected this has a V-shaped tuning,which is really good for modern genre like EDM, Rock and Pop.

Lets talk about the LOWS/BASS,This is quite overpowering in my hearing perception,The sub bass has good deep extension,The rumble that Bassheads that are looking for,The midbass is elevated but it doesn't bleed on mids.You will feel the intensity and the voracious drum kicks but the real star of this one was the Bass guitar, you will feel its detail and realistic plucking, slapping and fretting (even a fretless) reverb and timbre.

MIDS are recessed on this one,both female and male vox are neither laidback nor forward, The instruments has good separation and good detail.

HIGHS/TREBLE is smoothen out, not a bright one and lack of sparkle with average extension which translate less airy.Cymbals and chimes sounds bland that I wish for more shimmer.

The SOUNDSTAGE is just average in width but it as a good deep on it, IMAGING is quite linear and stereo panning between left to right is fair enough to determine.

Well, I can highly recommend this IEM to Bassheads and musicians who were for  more bass in their monitoring and mixing.


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